First Quarter Newsletter (January-March 2016)

It’s taken me a little longer to get this newsletter out then it normally would. Having a newborn in the house again is really different. Surprisingly enough, I have forgotten a few things and it’s taken me a little bit to get acclimated. Who knew a mother could do that?

We welcomed Hannah Grace on February 5th and 4:50pm. She weighed 9 lbs, 2 oz and was 21 inches long.

We are so blessed to have her in our lives. Here are a couple of pics as a newborn as well as a picture taken a week ago. Hard to believe she will be 3 months next week!!

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The first quarter of 2016 brought us six children to create smiles for. With each child that we have delivered to, I have received emails from the directors stating that the children were so happy with everything and that the parents were overjoyed that people who didn’t know them would be willing to bake and provide a gift for their child. I love when we receive emails such as this because it just strengthens our cause and it makes us really see why we do what we do.

The following volunteers helped us for the months of January through March:

Sherrell T, Linda G, Barb D, Arden L, Jessica L, Whitney S, Allan J, Julie H, and Kelly C.

I have received another shelter contact and hope to be able to add them to our list of shelters to work with. If you know of shelters that are in your area, please let me know so we can contact them. We would love to add more to our group of partners!

I appreciate all that you do to keep Birthday Blessings successful each and every month. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me!

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