We are at the end of the year, and our December numbers have come out. This month, we helped 41 children. We have remained busy since September, and although we were busy, each child was helped and each child had a smile on their faces. We love that we can do this each and every […]
Today, we had a delivery for a little girl who turned nine. She was really happy to see all the items that she received, and by looking at her present she was pretty sure she knew what she got just by looking at the shape. Her eyes widened and her smile got bigger when she […]
Today, we had a delivery for a little girl turning 11. She is a girl who definitely loves to pose. 😀  She’s got a smile that would light any room, and she has one great personality. Loved being able to deliver to her and her family. Happy Birthday, A. We hope you had a great […]
Today, we had a delivery for a little boy turning six. This little boy was so darling, and even though he didn’t want to get out of the car, he still was very interested in what he got and started to want to open his gift right away. A sweet family and a sweet little […]
Today, we had the privilege to deliver to twins turning six. They were just the cutest and sweetest little things ever! They love to play with dolls, love the colors pink and purple, and the surprise look on their faces were just priceless. Happy Birthday, K and K! We hope you have a great day!
This evening we delivered to a boy who was turning 13. Due to the snow and ice that we were expecting, we had decided to delivery to him early to ensure safety between our volunteer and recipient. This boy was such a gentleman, and he was very appreciative of everything that he received. Happy Birthday, […]
This afternoon, we had a delivery for a little girl turning five. Even with the snow coming, this didn’t deter this little girl from giving us many smiles. She was such a cute little girl, and very thankful. Happy Birthday, J! We hope you have a great birthday!
Today, we had a delivery for a little girl who turned three. She just melted our hearts with her smile. This funny little girl, just made us laugh as she was getting out of the car. She climbed over top of her siblings, crawled over seats just to be able to get out of the […]
Today we had a delivery for a sweet little girl who turned four She was nothing but smiles when she came out of the car and she was so happy to see the cake, gifts, and balloons that we had for her. This little girl LOVES pink, and you could tell by what she was […]
Today, we had a delivery for a little boy turning seven. We got to meet this little boy with his father today, and he was so full of smiles. With his little mohawk and his infections smile, you can’t help but not want to smile with him. Happy Birthday, D! Thank you for letting us […]